Kashmir Harvard Educational Institute is celebrating International Geodiversity Day.
To promote a better understanding of the earth’s dynamic processes and the critical role it plays in the sustenance of life on the planet, and to inculcate a sense of responsibility among the students at the crucial stage of their upbringing, INTACH Kashmir Chapter in collaboration with Kashmir Harvard Institute organised an awareness workshop on International Geodiversity Day. The workshop emphasized the need of creating awareness about the significance of geodiversity that creates the conditions wherein life develops and thrives, and underpins all the environments and ecosystems on the earth. Scientific knowledge about how geological and geomorphological processes occur in nature is crucial to mitigate the risks associated with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, flooding, landslides, and other types of natural disasters.
The workshop module was prepared to keep in view effectively imparting the knowledge by engaging students in activities they like the most. Accordingly, it was segregated into two sessions; lectures and presentations in the first session followed by a painting competition, themed on geodiversity, in the second session. The workshop began with a short film on geodiversity prepared by UNESCO that visually created an ambiance correlated with the theme of the workshop and put forth a strong impression upon the minds of the present audience. It was followed by a presentation from a specialist in geology and climate change, Dr. Rayees Ahmad, who is a Professor at Kashmir University. It elucidated the different elements that comprise geodiversity and emphasized the significant role it plays in the sustenance of life on earth. During his presentation, Dr. Rayees showed samples of different types of rocks and explained to students their properties and uses. In the second session, a painting competition was convened by an eminent artist, Masood Hussain which encouraged the participants and up-scaled their level of enthusiasm. Among a group of 20 participants, the three best paintings were awarded by the artist Masood Hussain.
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