Drug Abuse Awareness Program

Kashmir Harvard, in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir police, recently organized a Drug Abuse Awareness Program. The event was a great success, and we would like to thank all those who participated.

We had the privilege of having police officials and social activists as guests, who shared their knowledge and experiences with the students. Their insights on the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of staying away from such activities were eye-opening.

Our students also played an important role in the program. They performed various activities and skits to educate their peers on the negative effects of drug abuse. Their performances were both educational and entertaining, and we are proud of their efforts.

As educators, it is our responsibility to ensure that our students are well-informed and aware of the potential consequences of drug abuse. We believe that this event was a significant step in that direction, and we hope to continue organizing such programs in the future.

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this event, and we hope to see continued cooperation and support in our efforts to create a drug-free society.

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