Dear Parents,

Consequent to the notification issued by government order no. 19-Edu of 2021 dated 22-01-2021, we are happy to announce the reopening of schools with the following conditions and instructions:

1.Physical classes shall commence from Monday, 1st March, 2021 for grade 9 to 12.
2. Physical classes shall commence from Monday, 8th March, 2021 for grade 6 to 8.
3. Physical classes shall commence from Monday, 15th March, 2021 for grade 4 & 5.

4.Physical classes shall commence from Monday, 22nd March, 2021 for grade 1 to 3.

5.Physical classes shall commence from Thursday, 1ST April, 2021 for grade Pre-Nursery to SKG.

6.Classes will be held on a rotation basis from grade Pre-Nursery to 9th and on regular basis from grade 10th to 12th.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: GIRLS.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: BOYS.

The reporting time will be 9:50 am and the classes will start from 10:00 am to 1:45 pm. The classes will be sanitised on daily basis after the dispersal.

7. The online classes currently in practice shall continue on alternate days to reinforce the concepts.

8.The students shall only be permitted to attend physical classes after a NO-OBJECTION to attend the school is provided by the parents of the ward in the format attached here with. This must be presented to the Class Teacher of your respective ward on a specific date that will be intimated to you prior the reopening of school. All students that hand in the NOC will be given their ID card on the dates intimated to you.


10.All students attending physical classes must be in FULL WINTER SCHOOL UNIFORM. Haircuts as per school norms are to be ensured.

Given below are instructions to attend physical classes.

a. Time tables for the classes will be shared with the parents on the telegram application and Google classrooms prior to the reopening of school.
b. The maximum strength per section will be 20 students.
c. There shall be LUNCH BREAK under strict supervision of the teacher. Each department will have lunch break at different time to ensure social distancing.
d. ASSEMBLY will be held in the classrooms only.
e. There shall be NO use of ANY playing field until further orders.
f.  No eatables will be available at school.


As a limited number of students shall attend per day, they must line up before the commencement of classes with supervised social distancing and for compulsory thermal scanning. If there is any indication of raised temperature, the student shall be immediately sequestered and the parents shall be informed to take their ward home immediately. The student shall not be permitted to return for physical classes until a negative Covid-19 report is submitted by the designated authority.
Students must use hand sanitizer upon entering the gate.


a. All students availing bus facilities will be thermally scanned at their respective bus stops.
b. Any student with temperature above 99°F will not be allowed to board the bus.
c. All buses will be sanitized before travel. There will be at least one teacher in the bus to supervise the students.

Students are expected to carry books as per the timetable, notebooks will be retained in the school and will be given only after the completion of the chapter to lessen the weight of school bags. Weekly planners will be uploaded on every Saturday to avoid daily diary writing. Dairy will be used for any intimation/communication to the parents as and when needed.

14. NO MOBILE PHONES will be allowed in campus.


15. In the interest of health safety, it is compulsory for students to:

a. Wear prescribed face masks at all times.
b. Carry a limited amount (100 ml.) of alcohol based- sanitizer for individual use.
 c. Water-bottles for individual use.
 d. Snack-box/ lunch box: It is advisable to send dry lunch to school.
 e. NO CHILD suffering from a cold, cough and fever is to be sent to school.
 f. In case any member in the family is COVID positive, the student should not be sent to school.


For reassurance of parents, the following needs are to be kept in mind:

All classrooms used by the students shall be sanitised before the students enter.

1. To avoid physical contact between considerable numbers of students, there shall be no assembly, community break or permission to use the play fields.

2.Sanitizers shall be available in the public areas in addition to the personal sanitizers compulsorily carried by each student. Hand-wash shall be available in the lavatories.

3. Furniture in classrooms has been arranged to ensure social distancing.

4. All the students shall be informed about the spread of Covid–19 and the measures to prevent it.

It is reiterated that the present steps are being taken to gradually, resume all physical classes. The health of our students is paramount. All reasonable precautions, as given above, shall be enforced. The cooperation of parents is required, along with the counselling of students, to minimize risks to themselves and others. The implementation of these measures shall be reviewed daily and a flexible approach shall be adopted for the reassurance of parents.

Thank you for your continued support,

With regards,

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